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Duoning Biotechnology

Founded in 2005, Shanghai Duoning Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a one-stop shop primarily focused on providing bioprocess solutions used by the customers from the development to commercialization of biologics products.
With two main business segments, bioprocess solutions and laboratory products and relative services, it covers all key steps of the bioprocess from upstream to downstream, with technologies and services for commercialization of all major types of biologics. Duoning Biotechnology has now become one of the preferred suppliers for many well-known pharmaceutical companies, CRO/CDMO and research institutions and accumulated over one thousand clients.

Since 2019, Duoning Biotechnology has been continuously expanding its footprint, broadening its product matrix, and actively integrating into the international industry chain. For the overseas market layout, it successively merged and acquired Guangzhou Qizhi Bio-engineering, Lianghei Technology, Jinke Filter, Shanghai Ximai, ATS, RephiLe Bioscience, Suzhou Bogen Bio-technology, Salus Bioscience and Tchuyee Bio-Sicentific, etc. In the past few years, the company has completed several rounds of financing with a total amount of hundreds of million yuan led by famous international and domestic investors in the industry. By M&A, Duoning Biotechnology has efficiently integrated the procedures and services in the entire bioprocess sector, and enhanced its technological capabilities and product pipeline through independent R&D. At present, it can provide more than 200 products and 70-plus services including technology development, testing and verification, which can fully meet customers’ diverse and customized needs.

Today, Duoning Biotechnology has become the only bioprocess solution provider in China with a product portfolio covering all major steps of the bioprocess. In the future, it will continue to pursue the goal of “providing one-stop service solutions for customers” to serve life sciences and contribute to human health.